Numbers are a great way to track your team's success and motivate them.
In this article, you'll learn how to set up a Number.
Watch this short video or follow the steps below.
To set up a Number,
Go to Quarterly Planning from the main menu and choose Number from the sub-menu. This takes you to the Number page where you can click on the blue plus button near the page title to create a Number.
Here you can describe what the number is measuring. For example, let's use "Weekly sales" - in thousands of dollars.
The next step is to indicate what your desired result type is and set a target. In this case, we'd like to be above target, and we'll set the weekly target at $300,000.
However, if we were tracking wastage per month, for example, we might choose the result type "below target".
Set a Target and Update regularly
You can also set a different target for each week, or not set any target at all.
You now need to select the Number type - for example: "Currency"
Now you must designate an Owner, who must be a member of the team.
And select the frequency at which you will want to update the value of the Number. Weekly updates are an excellent place to start.
You will now need to select the person responsible for updating the Number.
Again, they must be a team member.
And that's all you need to do to create a number specifically tailored to your company.
See also -