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Can I cancel my plan?

You can cancel your plan at anytime. We will keep your data for 60-days in case you reactivate.

Workfacta Support Team avatar
Written by Workfacta Support Team
Updated over 3 years ago

Only an Enterprise Admin can cancel a paid plan. Log into your Workfacta account and select Cancel Plan to cancel a paid plan.

Access to your account

You can cancel at any time and continue to use your account until the end of your current payment cycle. After cancelling, we'll stop charging you when you reach your plan renewal date, and your account will be closed.

Reactivate your account

You can reactivate your account within 60 days of cancelling. If you reactivate, you will start a new billing cycle and access all your data.

What happens to your data?

Your account and any associated data (Goals, Annual / Quarterly Planning, etc.) will be kept for 60-days in case you decide to reactivate. After 60-days of cancelling your account, your data will be automatically deleted. And don't worry, we will send you an email before deleting anything.

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