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How can I manage multiple companies in Workfacta?
How can I manage multiple companies in Workfacta?

You can manage multiple companies by creating one account in the Enterprise plan or multiple separate accounts.

Workfacta Support Team avatar
Written by Workfacta Support Team
Updated over a week ago

If you are running 2 completely separate companies, with different users for each company,

It is recommended to set up the 2 companies as separate Workfacta accounts.

If users are part of your multiple companies,

We recommend setting your companies as different Teams on the Platform under a single Workfacta account. You can then assign your users to multiple teams.

If you want to manage multiple teams within one Workfacta account:

  • The Business Premium plan allows you to have unlimited teams and users

Note: Teams are separated in Workfacta, so each team can only see what has been created for that team. To see items in one team on the Platform, you need to be added to the team.

Do I need the Enterprise plan?

The best option for managing multiple companies would be our Enterprise plan. This allows you to have 2 or more companies, cross-company teams, and monitor both companies in an integrated manner, all within one account.

More information on this can be found on our website on the Pricing Page.

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