What should I update and when?
To track your team’s progress, you need to enter updates into Workfacta. You can update the values for any Numbers or Reports and the statuses of Goals and Actions. By doing this prior to your meetings, you can have a productive and efficient meeting.
Watch this short video or keep reading.
So how do you update your Goals, Numbers, Reports or Actions in Workfacta?
There are 2 ways to do Updates on the Platform.
1. Through your Home Page where your My Week widget will show you a summary of what updates and actions you have due this week. You can also make your updates there, for example:
Update a number, provide a comment, and even attach a document,
Or mark an Action as complete
2. Through the Update page. Here you can see all your team’s updates, not just your own.
Example: update Goals
Example: update Numbers
Example: update Reports
By doing the updates regularly, your whole team will be kept informed of how it’s performing.